

Tests for Mr. Lindsay is taken in-class on a U-tips account.  The Student is required to create an account prior

to the test date and remember their username and password.

Occasionally, a student is absent, (excused), during the test day.  He/She can make it up by taking it on their own time.

However, the student is required to have a test proctor.  The test proctor is required to be an employee with Davis

School District, (Teacher, Administrator, Librarian, Secretary, etc.)  When the student is finished with

the test, he/she is required to print out their results and have the test proctor sign

and date it. The print out should have the student's name, date, test score, test title

and signature of the test proctor (Click on the following link to pull up U-tips sign-in)

Davis School District Testing for Mr. Lindsay



“Cheating": Presenting others’ work as one's own or assisting another student to do so in the classroom, lab or the Assessment Center. Cheating may also occur when a student violates the conditions governing an examination. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to the following:
using oral, written, visual, or other forms of communication intended to give or receive improper assistance looking at or copying another's work
using unauthorized materials (texts, notes, calculators, etc.) taking an exam for another student having someone else take an exam altering one's work after an exam has been returned and before resubmitting it obtaining and/or using an upcoming exam ahead of test time.

“Misrepresentation": Falsifying information. This includes, but is not limited to the following: Having another person represent or stand in for oneself in circumstances where one's attendance and/or performance are required
misrepresenting class attendance presenting false academic credentials
submitting someone else's work as one’s own submitting work originally submitted for one course to satisfy the requirements of another course without prior consent of the current instructor. It is assumed that the current instructor expects the work to be original. Forging or using another's signature altering or destroying academic records and documents presenting false data, experimental or physical results.

“Out-of-Class Work": Collaborating on or aiding out-of-class work when prohibited by the instructor. Such unauthorized activity includes, but is not limited to the following: Receiving unauthorized outside help on take-home exams. Consulting with others about homework, laboratory reports, etc.
Copying another's homework, laboratory reports, etc. and submitting it as one's own.

“Plagiarism": Using another person's ideas, evidence, or words without proper
acknowledgment or conveying the false impression that the arguments and writing in a paper are one’s own. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to the following: Acquiring by purchase or otherwise, a part of or an entire document of work which is represented as one's own. Representing the ideas, data, or writing of another person as one's own work, even though some wording, method of citation, or arrangement of evidence, ideas, or arguments have been altered. Concealing the true sources of information, ideas, or argument in any piece of work.